CNC - Civil Nuclear Constabulary
CNC stands for Civil Nuclear Constabulary
Here you will find, what does CNC stand for in Law under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Civil Nuclear Constabulary? Civil Nuclear Constabulary can be abbreviated as CNC What does CNC stand for? CNC stands for Civil Nuclear Constabulary. What does Civil Nuclear Constabulary mean?Civil Nuclear Constabulary is an expansion of CNC
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Alternative definitions of CNC
- Computerized Numeric Control
- Canadian National Committee
- Charlotte, North Carolina
- Canadian National Collection
- Confederación Nacional Campesina
- Confederación Nacional Campesina
- College of New Caledonia
- Computerized Numerical Control
View 95 other definitions of CNC on the main acronym page
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- CBH Classic Britain Hotels
- CTC City Tech Collaborative
- CWC Coastal Watershed Council
- CMS Canadian Media Sales
- CSM Chain Store Maintenance
- CEG Creative Entertainment Group
- CEC Cavalcade Escrow Corporation
- CCIDA County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency
- CMWM California Medical Weight Management
- CNNYI Company Name Not Yet Identified
- CCS Cornerstone Construction Services
- CMG Chambers Medical Group
- CLS Centenary Landscaping Supplies
- CESU Chittenden East Supervisory Union
- CFC Copenhagen Food Consultants
- CNCGL CN Creative Group Ltd